12 July 2024

Welcome from the Headteacher

Dear Parents and Community,

As we reach the end of another successful academic year at Montpelier High School, I would ​like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all parents and carers for your unwavering support and ​cooperation throughout the year. Your involvement has been instrumental in our students' ​achievements and the smooth running of the school.

Gratitude to Staff and Students

I must also express my deepest gratitude to our dedicated staff, whose hard work and ​commitment have been exemplary. They have gone above and beyond to provide our students ​with the best possible education and opportunities. To our wonderful students, your hard work, ​resilience, and enthusiasm have been inspiring. You have made us all proud.

Highlights of the Year

This year has been filled with memorable events and accomplishments. We had a fantastic ​Work Experience Week where our students gained invaluable insights into the professional ​world. Our School Play was a resounding success, showcasing the incredible talent within our ​student body. The School Fair was a delightful event, bringing together our community in a ​celebration of creativity and collaboration.

Our students showed exceptional focus and determination during the exam weeks, and we are ​eagerly awaiting the results of their hard work. The Disneyland trip was a magical experience, ​creating lasting memories for all who attended. The Outward Bound and Malaga Trip provided ​our students with the opportunity to develop their teamwork and leadership skills in a ​challenging and exciting environment. Additionally, our concerts throughout the year have ​highlighted the musical talents of our students, leaving audiences thoroughly impressed. The ​list goes on.

Start of Term Information

As we look forward to the new academic year, please note the following important dates and ​reminders:

  • The first day of term for Year 7, Year 11, and Year 13 students is Tuesday, 3 September at ​8.35 am.
  • All other students will start on Wednesday 4 September at 8.35 am.

Uniform Expectations

We remind you that we expect all students to be in correct school uniform from the first day of ​school. The uniform list can be found on our website. If any parents are struggling with ​obtaining the correct uniform, please contact us for support. Students not in correct uniform ​will be loaned items for the day. Please note that blazers are compulsory as coats will be kept ​in lockers during the day.

Locker Use

Students are also reminded to bring padlocks for their lockers on the first day. This will allow ​them to keep their items safe and store heavier items during the day.


Marianne McMahon - Head of History: Marianne's exceptional knowledge and dedication to ​her students, team, and the school have been invaluable. She has always held the students at ​the heart of all of her work at the school. We wish her the best in her new adventures outside of ​education.

Ekta Shetty - Maths: Ekta has been a dedicated tutor, an excellent support to staff and ​students, and a committed NEU union rep. We are glad she spent her ECT years with us and ​wish her all the best as she travels the world.

Katie Adams-Foot - Head of Year and Key Stage in Maths: Katie has brilliantly contributed to ​the leadership of our school. We hope to see her back as a casual teacher after the summer.

Frankie MacDonald - Biology Teacher: Frankie's excellent subject knowledge has been a ​great asset. We know she will excel as she takes on a leadership role in another school.

Lydia Fan - English: Lydia's expert work with our students has been greatly appreciated. She ​will be missed, but we wish her the best as she moves to a school closer to home.

Mary Ellis - Art Teacher: We will miss Mary's expert teaching and are thankful for her support ​in remodelling our curriculum. She is off to deliver art in a smaller setting, and we wish her all ​the best.

Paul Jackson - Head of Site Team: Paul is retiring after a long career as an engineer and his ​dedicated work with us. We thank him for all his hard work keeping us safe.

Vicky Smart - Maths Teacher: Vicky has been a great addition to our Year 7 team in her first ​year of teaching. We look forward to seeing her again in the future.

Kaitlin Fincham - Art and DT Support: Kaitlin has provided exceptional support to our Art and ​DT departments and our Fashion show. We are excited to welcome her back in the autumn as ​part of our casual teaching team.

Nafeesa Malik - Assistant Headteacher: Nafeesa has pioneered our early work on DEI and ​curriculum development. This is not a farewell, as we look forward to her return in the autumn ​as she joins our casual teaching team.

Marjori Hernandez – Spanish Teacher: Marjori was a great addition to the Languages Team in ​January. Stepping in for a 6 month contract, she has supported the team well with her excellent ​teaching and learning. We wish her the best with her new role.

Lindsay Newman - Administrator for V6: after 15 years with the school, Lindsay is relocating ​and starting her well earned retirement. She has been the figurehead of V6, always calm, ​cheerful and ready to help, whilst simultaneously organising admissions for Year 12, co-​ordinating 6th form events amongst a multitude of other things. Mrs Newman will be greatly ​missed.

Wishing You a Restful Summer

Finally, I wish you all a restful and enjoyable summer break. Take this time to relax and ​recharge. We look forward to welcoming our students back in September, ready for another ​year of learning and growth.

Yours sincerely

Vanetta Spence


Please click here for MHS ​sporting fixtures and results ​table.

Messages for Parents


12 July - End of Term 6 and School Year - 12.20 pm finish for all students due to staff training

2 September - INSET Day 1

3 September - Return to school for Y7, Y11 and Y12

4 September - Return to school for Y8, Y9, Y10 and Y13

For further calendar dates please click here.


You can find the dates for our next school year here.


Please follow the link below for important information about statutory changes to attendance that are taking place with effect from ​September 2024. This information will also be shared with parents as a reminder in September.

Attendance Parent Information Webinar - Montpelier High School (montpschool.org)


For information and support for families, parents/carers and young people. Please click here.


We are thrilled to announce that several students have successfully completed their Young Interpreter course. They will be the ​representatives for the next academic year, supporting new arrivals at MHS and assisting students who are not fluent in English ​(EAL). Well done to all involved!


We are delighted to share that our students had a fantastic time on the Spain trip 2024. We have received very positive feedback, ​and we are pleased that they enjoyed the experience and had the opportunity to use their Spanish. They demonstrated great ​responsibility, resilience, and curiosity, representing our school amazingly. Well done to all who participated!


Year ​10 have made these beautiful and effective flowers using wire and tissue paper.


Message from Student: I am currently doing an EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) where I am looking into which of David ​Bowie's characters had the greatest impact on legacy as a cultural icon. I would be extremely grateful if you could take a couple ​minutes out of your day to complete this short, anonymous questionnaire. Any extra comments or thoughts that you may have that ​might help, please leave in the other comments box at the end. Please click here to complete.

Should you have an emergency during the holiday period you can contact mhs-safeguarding@montpschool.org and we ​will support you.

Online Safety Updates

For online safety updates please visit our website here.

For general enquiries, please email mhs-info@montpschool.org telephone 0117 942 4328

For attendance, please email mhs-attendance@montpschool.org telephone 0117 942 4328 option 1

For safeguarding, please email mhs-safeguarding@montpschool.org or telephone 0117 942 4328

For SEND, please email mhs-senco@montpschool.org or telephone 0117 942 4328

For wellbeing support when school is closed, please email mhs-safeguarding@montpschool.org

If you believe you or someone ​else is in danger call the ​Police – 999