13 October 23

Welcome from the Headteacher

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We hope you're doing well. This week at Montpelier High School has been pretty busy and exciting, with a lot going on, including some great achievements and important reminders for everyone at our school.

First, we want to say a big thank you to our awesome staff and amazing students for going above and beyond during the recent visit from the E-ACT representatives. They came to learn more about our school as part of the ongoing merger talks. Your active involvement really showed off the fantastic energy and excellence that define our school.

Speaking of keeping our standards high and staying united, let's all remember the importance of sticking to our school uniform policy. We've noticed some students wearing trainers, so we're asking for your help in making sure everyone comes to school in the right uniform. This helps us maintain a professional and unified look we can all be proud of.

Also, we want to recognise the awareness and concerns our students have about the ongoing Gaza-Israel conflict. It's really touching to see our students caring and wanting to make a positive impact on the lives of those affected. As a response, our students are raising funds for the Save The Children charity to support children impacted by the conflict. Their caring and kindness show the compassionate nature of our student community.

We're excited about the ongoing support and teamwork from everyone at MHS as we work towards nurturing responsible, caring, and active individuals who can make a positive difference in the world. Thanks for your continuous support.

Farewell to Luke Bray

As the end of this term approaches, we find ourselves bidding a heartfelt farewell to a cherished member of our teaching family. Since 2017, Mr. Bray has been an integral part of Montpelier High School, contributing his passion, dedication, and expertise to the realms of History, Politics, and EPQ.

During his time here, Mr. Bray has tirelessly guided and inspired countless students, instilling in them a love for learning and a profound understanding of the subjects he so passionately taught. His enthusiasm for history and politics was contagious, making each lesson an engaging and enlightening experience for all.

As we say goodbye to Mr. Bray, we express our deepest gratitude for his significant contributions to Montpelier High School and the lasting impact he has had on the lives of students and colleagues alike. We wish him the very best in all his future endeavours, and we are confident that his influence will continue to resonate far beyond our school walls.

Staffing Update Food Technology and Computer Science

You may have noticed that we have a temporary change in our teaching staff in these subjects. Ms. Sacker, who teaches Food Technology, and Mrs. Edwards, who teaches Computer Science, are currently absent.

We understand the importance of consistency in your child's education and assure you that our dedicated Heads of Faculty are working with the cover teams to maintain a high standard of learning during their absence.

We anticipate welcoming Ms. Sacker and Mrs. Edwards back after the upcoming half term break. In the meantime, we appreciate your understanding and support as we continue to provide a nurturing and enriching educational experience for your children.

If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to reach out to Mr Udall (Head of Faculty for Computer Science) or Ms Kaur Head of Faculty for Food Technology).

Vanetta Spence


Messages for Parents


12-14 October – DofE Silver Qualifying Expedition

17 October - Additional Open Morning for Prospective Y7 Families

(a link to booking can be found here, scroll down to Important Dates)

19 October – V6 Open Evening

20 October – End of Term 1

30 October - INSET day

For further calendar dates please click here.


We are delighted to welcome current Y11 students and their parents/carers to our V6 Sixth Form Open Evening Event on Thursday 19 October 2023 5.45 pm - 8.00 pm. There will be a welcome address from the Headteacher and Sixth Form Leadership Team at 6pm (repeated at 6.25pm and 8.00pm) to hear about our vision and values, followed by subject presentations by subject specialists and a chance to take a tour of the sixth form site.

Current sixth form students will be on hand to answer any questions about the student sixth form experience. Booking for the event is not required, but if you would like to receive updates or some more information from us ahead of the open event, please register your interest by following the link on our website here.


Usual lessons will be suspended on Wednesday 18 October for all year groups to facilitate our Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) curriculum drop down day. Pupils will need their PSHE book, planner and pencil cases for the day but no other class books or PE kits as all lesson are suspended for the day in place of PSHE lessons. They should be in normal full school uniform for the day. Enrichment will be as normal for all pupils.

All pupils will be receiving a range of informative PSHE learning covering some of our statutory safeguarding topics delivered by external professionals. The police group Operation Topaz will be delivering a session to all pupils on child sexual exploitation and child criminal exploitation. If you have any concerns about this, please contact your child's tutor who will be with them for the day. Other sessions for year 7 will include on-line safety and knife crime. We will also be looking at our anti-bullying strategy and rights respecting award as part of the day and continue exploring our whole school theme for Black History Month. All tutors will also have an opportunity for a well-being check with their group and discuss who they have as a trusted adults in school now they have settled into the first term.

Year 10 and 11 will also take part in a careers fair in the afternoon and we have a range of exciting local and national employers to speak to pupils to prepare them for post-16 destinations.

Year 12 and 13 will have mentor time and during lessons 1 and 2 (8.35 - 11am) they should attend an additional one to one mentor support meetings for targeted students plus optional drop in support for all Y12 and Y13 students. Students and their parents/carers will be contacted by a member of the sixth form team if they are invited in: if students have not been invited in they are welcome to attend at any point during this time for additional optional drop in meetings on a first come, first served basis with mentors for additional support as needed.

Lessons 3, 4 and 5 - All students in Y12 and Y13 must attend. Students will be in groups with mentors and attending a briefing with their Head of Year. Students in Y12 will be learning about the range of post-18 career options open to them and how to secure effective work experience. Students in Y13 will be receiving information and support for their intended post-18 career destination choices including time to develop applications and other activities to ensure they are making informed, confident choices and are clear on their next steps needed to achieve these/prepare for destination choices.

Lesson 6 (usually enrichment time) 3 - 3.45pm will be spent visiting our careers fair, which will be attended by a wide range of both local and national employers and is a chance for students to seek work experience/employment opportunities as well as gain advice from employers regarding how to prepare for post-18 destinations.


Please find below details of our upcoming mock timetable for Year 11 starting on 13 November 2023. This may be subject to slight change:



We had a fantastic poetry slam in the hall this week which was truly inspiring to watch. Our overall winner was Viola from Y7. In the top 5 were Aleksandra Y9, Lila Y9, Inez Y8, Esha Y10 and Sophie Y8; our runners up were Birdie Y9, Clementine Y8 and Mariama Y7. Huge congratulations to everybody who took part, you will all receive a well-deserved certificate and book token.


We have five fantastic winners for our house flag competition who are Daria in FRANK, Kacie in AUSTEN, Nissi in JOHNSON, Nina in PARKS and Freya in CURIE. Amazing work, you will all be receiving a book token, thank you to everyone who entered.


For general enquiries, please email mhs-info@montpschool.org telephone 0117 942 4328

For attendance, please email mhs-attendance@montpschool.org telephone 0117 942 4328 option 1

For safeguarding, please email mhs-safeguarding@montpschool.org or telephone 0117 942 4328

For SEND, please email mhs-senco@montpschool.org or telephone 0117 942 4328

For wellbeing support when school is closed, please email mhs-safeguarding@montpschool.org

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