13 September 2024

Welcome from the Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to the second newsletter of the year! It has been a wonderful start to the term, and I ​would like to thank all of you for your continued support.

A special thank you to those parents and carers who attended the **Meet the Tutor** event on ​Thursday. It was lovely to see so many of you there, and your presence plays a key role in ​fostering the important connections between home and school. These partnerships are vital to ​the success of our students, and we truly appreciate the effort made by those who could attend.

For parents who were unable to attend, please do let us know. We would be more than happy to ​arrange a phone call to ensure we are able to touch base and discuss how we can continue to ​work together for your child's success.

I would also like to express my gratitude for your support in improving both uniform and ​attendance. Your commitment to maintaining these high standards has helped set us off to a ​flying start this term, and it makes a real difference in creating a positive and focused learning ​environment.

Thank you once again for being such an essential part of our school community, and I look ​forward to what we can achieve together in the coming months.

Yours sincerely

Vanetta Spence


Messages for Parents


Wednesday 18 September 2024 - UCAS Information Evening

Thursday 26 September 2024 - Open Evening for Prospective Year 7

Friday 27 September 2024 - INSET 2 - School Closed to Students

Wednesday 02 October 2024 - Year 10 GCSE Information Evening

Thursday 03 October 2024 - Open Morning for Prospective Year 7 - info/sign up to follow

Friday 04 October 2024 to Sunday 06 October 2024 - Duke of Edinburgh Silver Qualifying Expedition (Year 11)

Friday 04 October 2024 to Sunday 06 October 2024 - Duke of Edinburgh Gold Training Expedition (Year 13)

Thursday 10 October 2024 - V6 Open Evening for Prospective Year 12

Wednesday 16 October 2024 - Open Morning for Prospective Year 7 - info/sign up to follow

Wednesday 16 October 2024 - Drama Coursework Performance Evening (Year 11)

Monday 21 October 2024 to Friday 25 October 2024 - Duke of Edinburgh Gold Qualifying Expedition (Year 13)

Friday 25 October 2024 - Term 1 Ends

For further calendar event dates please click here.


We operate a two-weekly teaching cycle, WEEK 1 & WEEK 2.

The current week will appear as a pop-up on the Montpelier High School homepage.

You can also view a calendar of the teaching cycle by clicking here.


You can find the dates for the academic year by clicking here.


Following our merger with E-ACT, our email addresses have changed.

Apologies if you have tried to contact us on our old address and received a ‘bounce back’ message.

You can find an up-to-date list of contacts on our website, and contacts for safeguarding, SEND, attendance and wellbeing at ​the end of this bulletin.

Our email for all general queries is mhs-info@mhs.e-act.org.uk or for sixth form v6-info@v6.e-act.org.uk

MHS SENCO CLINIC: Offering Support for Parents

Dear Parents and Carers,

I’m Helen Clark, the SENCO at Montpelier High School, and I’m pleased to announce the launch of our new SENCO Clinic. ​This clinic will be available once a month for parents and carers who would like to discuss any questions or concerns ​regarding their child’s SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) provision.

If your child has any SEND needs, and you’re seeking guidance or support, I warmly invite you to book an appointment with ​me. I’m here to listen, help, and work together to ensure the best possible support for your child.

To make the most of our time together, when booking your appointment, please provide:

  • Your child’s full name
  • Their tutor group
  • Any relevant diagnosis or SEN needs
  • A brief description of your query or concern

This will help me prepare in advance to offer the most useful advice and guidance.

Appointments will be 15 minutes long, and I’ll be holding these clinics regularly. We’ll keep you informed of dates and times ​through our school newsletter.

To book your appointment, simply call our admin team at 0117 9424 328 or email us at mhs-info@mhs.e-act.org.uk.

I look forward to supporting you and your child.

Warm regards,

Helen Clark

SENCO, Montpelier High School



Burges Salmon’s Legal Apprenticeship is now open for applications for our September 2025 cohort. Our apprenticeship ​provides the opportunity to qualify as a solicitor by completing the Level 3 Paralegal and Level 7 Solicitor apprenticeships over ​a period of six years, whilst earning a competitive salary. This is the perfect opportunity for students in year 13+ who are ​interested in pursuing a legal career and would prefer an alternative to the university route.

Applicants must apply here by midnight on Friday 15 November 2024 to be considered for this apprenticeship:

Burges Salmon Careers | Legal Apprenticeship 2025 (burges-salmon.com).

We are also holding an open evening for the Legal Apprenticeship at the Bristol office on 2 October 2024 from 6pm – ​applicants can register here:

Burges Salmon Careers | Legal Apprenticeship Open Evening - Bristol 2024 (burges-salmon.com).

We are holding a virtual open evening on 8 October 2024 from 6pm – applicants can register here:

Burges Salmon Careers | Legal Apprenticeship Open Evening - Virtual 2024 (burges-salmon.com).


Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your application skills and take the next step towards your career goals!

Join us for an invaluable webinar designed to elevate your application skills and help you stand out in today's competitive job ​market. Hosted by the IFoA and industry leaders Aegon, this session will equip you with the tools and techniques needed to ​craft compelling applications and ace interviews.

What You’ll Learn:

  • How to stand out in your CV.
  • Top Tips for a good Cover Letter.
  • Interviews - how to effectively use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to showcase your experiences and ​highlight your strengths.
  • The importance of Linkedin and setting up your profile.

Why Attend?

  • Perfect timing for students preparing for apprenticeships and UCAS applications.
  • Gain confidence in articulating your skills and experiences.
  • Receive expert advice from Aegon's experienced professionals.

For more information and to register click here


Join us for a morning of learning and networking at Skillsfest Bristol!

For parents and students aged 14-19, this is the ideal event to learn all about apprenticeships and options when you leave ​school, learn about careers at Lloyds Banking Group, see inside our new tech and data hub home in Bristol, meet apprentices, ​university partners and our career experts. The event will be held at Lloyds Banking Group, Canons Way, Harbourside Bristol, ​so mark your calendars and get ready for a productive morning. Together we'll help you Imagine What's Next.

Skillsfest Bristol hosted by Lloyds Banking Group Tickets, Sat 28 Sep 2024 at 10:00 | Eventbrite


Huge congratulations to our Year 8 (now Year 9) students for their fantastic submissions to the Step Into The NHS ​competition, where they were tasked to create a fun and unique job advertisement for an NHS role.


Every Wednesday afternoon our students will take part in a wide range of engaging enrichment activities. Students are able to ​select their own enrichments from a range of different choices, enabling them to develop their own curriculum. For Term 1, all ​Year 7 students will be singing together in the school choir. They will be rehearsing songs to perform for their friends and ​families at the Winter Concert in December.

Year 11 students will be given this time on Wednesday afternoons to join revision sessions to help prepare for their upcoming ​GCSE exams.

Details of our after school clubs will be confirmed in this newsletter shortly.

Please visit our website for this term’s extra curricular offering.


The food children eat at school plays an important role in their wellbeing, and eating a well-balanced diet maintains and ​improves their health but will also set them on the right track for later life. We are proud to partner with Aspens to provide ​meals that are prepared every day using quality, fresh and seasonal ingredients that are responsibly sourced. On our website ​you will find information about our school catering, prices and the menus for the forthcoming term - click here.


We have a whole school approach to delivering PSHE education. Alongside this we recognise the importance of having time ​allocated within the curriculum to deliver PSHE knowledge and skills in a developmental and age-appropriate way.

Y7-Y9 students receive 1 period of PSHE per fortnight and Yr10-11 students receive 1 period of PSHE per week.. These ​lessons have been designed to cover age-appropriate topics and are delivered by the PSHE lead and teachers experienced in ​teaching these topics.

Personal Development Days

Over the course of the year students will take part in 3 days of Personal development. This allows us to invite in specialist ​external agencies, deliver whole year activities and respond to any contextual safeguarding concerns.

This term Yr 7 will be exploring what it means to start secondary school and what skills they will need. Yr 8 & 9 will be looking ​at future careers options. Yr 10 and 11 will also be exploring career content and also developing their financial skills.

Any questions about PSHE please do not hesitate to contact me nicola.langham@mhs.e-act.org.uk

Please find a link to an overview of the years content here.

Nicola Langham

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The Friends of Montpelier High School plays an important role in supporting and ​strengthening our community of students, parents and teachers.

The Friends does this by:

  • bringing together parents and teachers to discuss how best they can support ​the education for students of Montpelier High School and V6 Bristol
  • organising fundraising activities for the school
  • supporting school events such as musical performances and open evenings

The impact of our work provides funding for equipment or enrichment opportunities ​to our students. It also allows us to connect with other families, school and ​Venturers Trust staff and the wider community.

To see their latest newsletter click on the image.

Online Safety Updates

For online safety updates please visit our website here.

For general enquiries, please email mhs-info@mhs.e-act.org.uk telephone 0117 942 4328

For attendance, please email mhs-attendance@mhs.e-act.org.uk telephone 0117 942 4328 option 1

For safeguarding, please email mhs-safeguarding@mhs.e-act.org.uk or telephone 0117 942 4328

For SEND, please email mhs-senco@mhs.e-act.org.uk or telephone 0117 942 4328

For wellbeing support when school is closed, please email mhs-safeguarding@mhs.e-act.org.uk

If you believe you or someone ​else is in danger call the ​Police – 999