16 November 2023

Welcome from the Headteacher

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Celebrating Achievements and Exciting Events

I hope this message finds you well and I hope that there were joyful Diwali celebrations last weekend for all families involved!

It brings me immense pleasure to share the exciting events and achievements that have marked the past week at our school. Our students showcased their remarkable talents at the Integrate UK Youth conference, representing our school with pride. Additionally, our choir delivered an outstanding performance at The Charter Day service in the Cathedral last Friday; truly an awe-inspiring moment.

Currently, our Year 11 students are navigating their mock exams with remarkable enthusiasm and determination. Witnessing their dedication is truly commendable and fills us with pride.

I would like to extend a heartfelt appreciation to our incredible English department for organising a trip to watch 'A Christmas Carol' at the Hippodrome for our entire Year 9 cohort. Not only does this outing support their Key Stage 4 studies, but it also provided us with the opportunity to cheer for one of our own students, Abigail from Year 9, who was performing on stage; an experience that was both educational and supportive.

Thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement. Together, we continue to provide our students with enriching experiences that contribute to their growth and success.

Vanetta Spence


Messages for Parents


13-17 November - Formal Mock Exams Week

21 November - Y9 Modern Foreign Languages after school on site Film Event

23 November - Additional V6 Open Morning

30 November Y9 Careers Drop Down Day

4 December - Deadline for V6 Applications

7 December - Whole School Winter Concert

8 December - Y9 Christmas/Winter Disco

11 December - Y7 Christmas Party

12 December - End of Term 2

For further calendar dates please click here.


The trip to Bath on Ice/Bath Christmas Market for Year 11 is taking place on Wednesday 6 December; we are leaving school at 9.15 am and returning at 5.00 pm. Payment can be made via Parent Pay and the deadline for this is Friday 1 December. If your child is not attending the trip, they will be expected at school and in lessons as normal.


We would like to introduce our Young Carers Lead, Emma Boyes. She explains more about her role and the support we would like to offer all our Young Carers here. Further information can be found on our website here.


Please see below photographs following a recent visit from a group of ex students, including Jane from the Admin Team. It came with this message:

Thank you for making us so welcome as we visited the school after all those years. Hard to believe where 40 years have gone!

It was fabulous to see the school and see how much of the old building still remains but all the progress and new buildings including the 6th form block. As Sarah said it was a fascinating trip back in time and we all felt so excited to be served tea in the Head teacher’s study! It clearly still has powerful memories for us all!

It was so kind of you to give up all that time and a joy to meet Vanetta. I am thrilled to see the school in this new era and with such a great Head teacher.

Many thanks again for making this special visit possible. It was a wonderful day coming back to Bristol and meeting up with old school friends too.

I am attaching my photos - please do use as you like.

With every blessing


For further information on an up coming free parent/carer’s introductory session please click here.

For general enquiries, please email mhs-info@montpschool.org telephone 0117 942 4328

For attendance, please email mhs-attendance@montpschool.org telephone 0117 942 4328 option 1

For safeguarding, please email mhs-safeguarding@montpschool.org or telephone 0117 942 4328

For SEND, please email mhs-senco@montpschool.org or telephone 0117 942 4328

For wellbeing support when school is closed, please email mhs-safeguarding@montpschool.org

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