19 January 2024

Welcome from the Headteacher

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Midway through the term, I extend a heartfelt thank you to each one of you for your support in our collective effort to ensure our students walk our halls in impeccable uniform, a testament to their readiness to embark on a day of learning. With ID lanyards securely around necks, skirts neatly rolled down, blazers confidently donned, and the right black leather footwear, our students embody the ethos of Montpelier High - where appearance sets the stage for success!

Dame Kelly Holmes Trust – A Champion in Your Corner

Excitement is building as we anticipate the arrival of a distinguished guest next week at MHS: none other than Liz Johnson, the UK's most celebrated Paralympic swimmer. A holder of an impressive 13 medals, including coveted golds at the Paralympic Games, Liz is not just a sporting icon but also an athlete mentor with the Dame Kelly Holmes Trust. Liz will be delivering 10 workshop sessions to sixteen lucky Y9 students. Students have been asked to express their interest to Ms Jones. Liz's mentoring promises to infuse our students with confidence, resilience and self-esteem, courtesy of a program generously funded and renowned for its success in shaping positive attitudes, teamwork, and leadership skills. Learn more about Liz Johnson's incredible journey here.

Drop Down Day

Additionally, mark your calendars for Thursday, 25 January, when the entire school will dive into a dedicated PSHE drop-down day. Year 7 and 8 will focus on healthy lifestyle and wellbeing, Year 9 will engage in discussions about safety with an external speaker addressing drug and alcohol awareness, Year 10 will explore work experience and cyber safety, while Years 11, 12, and 13 will delve into study skills and cyber safety, with Year 13 also exploring apprenticeships. This day not only enhances our students' knowledge but also provides valuable time for tutor/mentor check-ins.

Computer Science – Dr Goyal

And, in the spirit of embracing change, we extend a warm welcome to Dr Vikas Goyal, a seasoned Computer Science educator with a PHD in the field. Dr Goyal will be guiding our students until April, laying the foundations for our upcoming permanent teacher. Stay tuned for more details as we approach this exciting transition.

Thank you for being an integral part of the Montpelier High School community, where every day brings new opportunities for growth, learning, and success!

Vanetta Spence


Messages for Parents


24 January - Parents in Partnership, Drugs Awareness Talk

25 January - PSHE Drop Down Day

25 January - Y9 Options Evening

1 February - Y9 Parents’ Evening

1 February - World Hijab Day

8 February - Y8 Careers Drop Down Day

9 February - Non school uniform day - wear red/pay £1 or wear no red/pay £2

9 February - Term 3 ends

19 February - Term 4 starts

21 February - UNESCO Mother Languages Day

21 February - Year 8 HPV Vaccinations

For further calendar dates please click here.


Now that the lost property has been on display for a week, we will be removing it from the atrium tomorrow and either distributing or donating.


  • All students can wear PE kit for the day on the PSHE drop down day, Thursday 25 January.​
  • Please note that this should be full MHS PE kit.​
  • For some activities, such as yoga, students may be asked to work in bare feet.


On Wednesday 24 January we are hosting a Parents in Partnership drugs awareness talk in the theatre from 6 - 7 pm; entrance through the glass doors. If you would like to attend, please complete this form. The talk will be presented by Joanna Mallinson from the BE Project.


Thank you for bearing with us regarding toilet access. We have conducted a whole school survey and students have unanimously voted for CCTV in toilets for enhanced security. These will be carefully positioned to protect personal space and privacy and will not be placed near changing rooms.

Thank you to the Year 8 parents who have contacted us directly about the opening and closing times of the toilets; this has presented the opportunity for us to give you an update. The CCTV will be in place from Term 4 and we would like to assure you that access to footage will only be requested should an incident occur, but importantly we hope the presence of CCTV will act as a deterrent.


Join us in celebrating World Hijab Day on Thursday 1 February, a significant event organised by the student-led Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion group, All Equal, All Different. Our group hopes that this event will support in shaping our school understanding of freedom, diversity, and respect for different religious beliefs.

World Hijab Day, supported by the World Hijab Day Organization, emphasizes the importance of promoting and safeguarding the rights of all individuals, including the freedom of thought, conscience, and religion or belief. This annual event goes beyond just raising awareness about the hijab; it is a platform to break down stereotypes associated with Muslim women who choose to wear it.

By participating in World Hijab Day, we can learn about personal freedom of religious expression, fostering understanding and promoting diversity. All Equal, All Different, the student-led initiative behind this event, strives to encourage dialogue among students of various faiths and backgrounds.

As parents, your support is invaluable in nurturing an environment where your teenagers can engage in meaningful conversations about diversity, inclusion, and the importance of respecting different religious choices. We invite you to join us on 1 February and be a part of this inspiring initiative that contributes to creating a more inclusive and understanding community within our school. We are looking for donations of Hijabs for our event and Guest Speakers. Please contact us via MHS-Info@montpschool.org if you can help us.


OTR's Nature Works is running a programme with Action for Conservation at The Ardagh, in the heart of Horfield Common. This is for anyone aged 11-20 who wants to learn about climate and social justice, reconnect with nature and take action for the environment in their city with other young people.

The programme will support you in building your skills, knowledge and confidence to create your own environmental project as part of a group. You can expect nature crafts, games and mindfulness, alongside learning about climate change and activism globally and locally.


OTR are delighted to be partnering again with Coexist Community Kitchen! Each week we will create a delicious nutritious meal, enjoying what we make together around a table. We know from our work how much feelings of belonging affect our mental health and hope this group will create a small sense of community and connection.

It doesn't matter how much (or little) kitchen experience you may have - our kitchen is a space where you can bring your true self to connect with others and learn new skills.

For general enquiries, please email mhs-info@montpschool.org telephone 0117 942 4328

For attendance, please email mhs-attendance@montpschool.org telephone 0117 942 4328 option 1

For safeguarding, please email mhs-safeguarding@montpschool.org or telephone 0117 942 4328

For SEND, please email mhs-senco@montpschool.org or telephone 0117 942 4328

For wellbeing support when school is closed, please email mhs-safeguarding@montpschool.org

If you believe you or someone else is in danger call the Police – 999