2 November 23

Welcome from the Headteacher

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Following on from my letter on Monday, I wanted to send a short message to express our gratitude for your ongoing support.

Firstly, we'd like to extend a heartfelt thank you for your support in helping us improve the school uniform. Your cooperation and commitment to this initiative have made a significant difference in maintaining a positive and uniformed atmosphere within the school.

I'm also delighted to inform you that our recent Halloween Dress Up event was a tremendous success, raising over £600 for the Year 11 and Year 13 Prom. Your contributions, whether through costume donations or participation, played a crucial role in achieving this fantastic result. As a result of the funds raised, we are pleased to announce that we will be able to lower the costs of the Prom tickets for all students. This means that more of our students will have the opportunity to attend this memorable event without a significant financial burden.

Once again, thank you for your continuous support, both in uniform improvements and fundraising efforts. Your involvement in our school community makes a significant difference, and we truly appreciate your commitment to our students' well-being and experiences.

**Important Information Regarding the "School Strikes For Palestine" on 3 November 2023**

We understand the “School Strikes For Palestine" is scheduled for Friday 3 November, 2023 and that following a large media campaign, some students would like to attend. If parents are supporting this decision, we would like to bring your attention to some areas of safeguarding to ensure the well-being of our students. The safety of our students is our top priority. At this time, we do not have reliable information about the individuals or groups responsible for organising these strikes and we are uncertain about the level of supervision that will be provided during the event. In addition, last year we encountered situations where large groups of students were left without adult supervision during similar events, resulting in public disturbances in town. To prevent such incidents and to ensure your child's safety, we urge parents to accompany their children to the "School Strikes For Palestine" if they have chosen for their child to take part.

Please inform the school via email at mhs-attendance@montpschool.org that you are attending with your child. We ask that you collect them from school prior to the event. Please be aware that sending your child to the event will result in an unauthorised absence and students accumulating eight or more sessions of unauthorised absences within a 10-week period may face penalties requested from Bristol City Council.

If students arrive at school in the morning, leave with you for the event, then return to participate in lessons after the event, it will reduce the number of unauthorised absences for the day.

Additionally, we kindly request that you explain to your child that they must come straight to school in the morning. It is essential that they do not attempt to attend the event on their own.

The safety and well-being of our students is our top priority. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in ensuring a secure environment for all participants.

Vanetta Spence


Messages for Parents


8 November - Friends of MHS AGM, 7.30 pm

9 November - Y8 Parent/Carer’s Evening

10 November - Charter Day

13 - 17 November - Formal Mock Examinations Week

30 November - Y9 Careers Drop Down Day

4 December - Deadline for V6 Applications

For further calendar dates please click here.


Congratulations to everyone who took part in our energetic House Dodgeball match. The Player of the Competition was Hana E from Year 11 and Frank House won overall.


Due to popular demand, we are holding an additional Open Event for Y11 parents/carers to find out what V6 Sixth Form has to offer on Thursday 23 November from 10-11am. If you would like to attend this event, please complete this form to let us know if you are interested in attending.

Scholastic Half Price Book Fair in the Library

Wednesday 22 to Tuesday 28 November at break and lunch times and Thursday 23 Nov after school


All families should have received a letter from Sirona regarding the nasal flu vaccination programme dated 4 September 2023 containing a link with a form for completion. The Sirona team has informed us they have only received a limited number of responses so far. If you would like your child to be vaccinated please do complete the on-line consent form at your first opportunity.


Please encourage your child to come and have a look through the lost property on display in the atrium. As you can see there’s quite a lot; some named, some un-named, some uniform and some non-uniform (mainly coats). Lots of pairs of shoes and even a sleeping bag!

Bristol Parent Carers

We are a parent-run organisation, know the ups and downs of raising a child with special educational needs or a disability because we've been there too, with children just like yours. As a parent-run charity, we are here to support you. Come to one of our free events and ensure your family gets the assistance it needs. Click here for more information.


The PTA AGM will take place in the Sandwich Room at Montpelier High School on Wednesday 8 November at 7.30 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend, entry is through the blue doors from 7.15 pm. If you would like to attend or would like us to discuss something specific in your absence, please follow this link to let us know.

Kenzi Dance - Afterschool Afro dance club for Years 7, 8 and 9 on Mondays from 3 – 4 pm, Starting Monday 13 November

A fun filled, vibrant and energising Afro dance class with an irresistible soundtrack of Afrobeats, Dance Hall and more! This dance class offers a supportive space for your children to have fun whilst learning dance routines that are rooted in and inspired from African and Caribbean dance and music, whilst being encouraged and supported to explore their own creative expression and individual movement style.

Dance is a fantastic way to develop a variety of skills from communication to social and personal skills. It helps to enhance fitness, coordination and creativity and develops confidence and self esteem.

Calling Y7 Footballers!

Some of our Y7s already play for this local team; come along and

try it out for free.

Kooth is an external agency that supports the mental health and wellbeing of young people in our school community. They came in last year to speak to all year groups about the support they offer our students. Here are some links to KoothTalks webinars for parents and carers:

How Kooth promotes and supports staying safe online

Mon 6 Nov, 12-1pm or 6-7pm

Support for young people experiencing anxiety or stress this winter

Thurs 14 Dec, 6-7pm

You can view their bank of past webinars focused on topics like 'How Kooth and Qwell can support LGBTQ+ identities', on their Vimeo channel.

For general enquiries, please email mhs-info@montpschool.org telephone 0117 942 4328

For attendance, please email mhs-attendance@montpschool.org telephone 0117 942 4328 option 1

For safeguarding, please email mhs-safeguarding@montpschool.org or telephone 0117 942 4328

For SEND, please email mhs-senco@montpschool.org or telephone 0117 942 4328

For wellbeing support when school is closed, please email mhs-safeguarding@montpschool.org

If you believe you or someone else is in danger call the Police – 999