20 October 23

Welcome from the Headteacher

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As we bid farewell to another eventful week here at MHS, we want to begin this Parents' Bulletin by extending our heartfelt gratitude to both our dedicated students and hardworking staff. It's been an exceptional first term, and we couldn't have achieved such success without your unwavering support and commitment to our school community.

I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the Staff, Students and PTA, for their invaluable support in organising and hosting the recent Open Events. Your help in welcoming potential students and their families has been instrumental in showcasing the wonderful environment we've cultivated here at MHS. Special mention here to Ms Jo Walker for supporting our transition events!

On a bittersweet note, it is with a heavy heart that we must bid farewell to an extraordinary individual who has been an integral part of our school's journey. David Watson OBE, our esteemed CEO of Venturers Trust, will be stepping down to take early retirement. David's dedication and leadership have played a significant role in shaping our school's vision, and we extend our deepest gratitude for his unwavering commitment and support.

As we prepare for the second term, we want to remind you that our collective efforts to improve uniform and maintain high standards throughout the school will persist. We believe that a well-structured and orderly environment is crucial for an meaningful learning atmosphere for our students.

In recognition of the challenges that our students may face during the upcoming break, we want to reassure you that support for mental health and well-being remains a top priority for us. Please visit our website, where you can find resources and information on the mental health support available to students and parents during the school break. Your child's well-being is of utmost importance to us, and we are here to provide the necessary resources and guidance.

We thank you once again for your continued support, and we look forward to the next term with excitement and enthusiasm. Together, we can make a real difference in the lives of our students.

Vanetta Spence


Messages for Parents


20 October – End of Term 1

30 October - INSET day

31 October - Students return to school for start of Term 2

31 October - Halloween Dress Up Day (Fundraiser for Year 11 & Year 13 Prom)

31 October - Deadline for Y7 Applications

31 October - Y9 Assessments

2 November - Merchants’ Academy Firework Display

3 November - Y12 Art Trip to Bristol Cathedral

9 November - Y8 Parents/Carers’ Evening

10 November - Charter Day

13 - 17 November - Formal Mock Examinations Week

30 November - Y9 Careers Drop Down Day

4 December - Deadline for V6 Sixth Form Applications

For further calendar dates please click here.


We have added some free resources from SSS Learning to the Wellbeing & Online Safety page of our website, both for your child, and you as a parent. Please click here to visit the page.


Thank you for your continued support and communication with your child's attendance. You will receive an attendance letter during the first week back after the break which will inform you of your child's attendance since September. From Term 2 onwards, we will also be introducing a new safeguarding measure whereby you will receive a home visit by 2 members of the pastoral team if your child has been absent for 3 days and they have not returned on the 4th day.

If you would like any support with attendance, please email mhs-attendance@montpschool.org or your child's Head of Year. If you have any general attendance questions, please contact me on rachael.jones@montpschool.org. I wish you all a pleasant half-term holiday.


The Out & About team offer a variety of different services to support Disabled/SEND children and young people including short breaks. Please click here for further information about all the services they can offer.


Please find below a selection of free mental health webinars offered by ACAMH; click the headings for further information:

Why we need to consider the world of young carers – A tribute to Jean Tompsett

Caring can be an isolating experience but having the right support in place can give young carers a better chance of succeeding in all parts of their lives. This session will raise awareness about young carers, their needs, the challenges they face and how this impacts on their mental health and wellbeing.

Stress and mental health presentations in secondary school-aged young people

Dr. Ruth Blackburn and Sorcha Ní Chobhthaigh, from UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, present research on mental health in secondary school-aged young people.

Mentalisation – Based Treatment for Families

Led by Dr. Eia Asen from the Anna Freud Clinic. The approach focuses on the application of mentalising ideas in work with families to enhance communication and minimise misunderstandings leading to stressful interactions and controlling behaviours.

Scary Halloween Decorations

Halloween Dress-Up

Prom Fundraiser

Tuesday 31 October

As the harvest moon rises on Tuesday October 31st, we beckon all souls to partake in the enchantment of Halloween Dress-Up day. All seekers of magic, both students and staff, are invited to adorn themselves in their most bewitching attire. A small fee of £1 shall grant you entry into this realm of enchantment, while those who choose to abstain shall be fined £2 by the spirits of mischief. Join us, as we unleash the magic of the season upon our halls.

£1 for Halloween dress up, £2 for regular non-school uniform


On Thursday 2 November 2023, Merchants’ Secondary will be holding their community Firework Display. They would love it if our students and families could join them.

Doors to open at 5pm with the display starting at 7pm.

Along with the fireworks accompanied with music, there will be a bouncy castle, food, candy floss, various refreshments, glow sticks, rides and games.

Tickets can be purchased here.

For general enquiries, please email mhs-info@montpschool.org telephone 0117 942 4328

For attendance, please email mhs-attendance@montpschool.org telephone 0117 942 4328 option 1

For safeguarding, please email mhs-safeguarding@montpschool.org or telephone 0117 942 4328

For SEND, please email mhs-senco@montpschool.org or telephone 0117 942 4328

For wellbeing support when school is closed, please email mhs-safeguarding@montpschool.org

If you believe you or someone else is in danger call the Police – 999