4 October 2024

Welcome from the Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers,

I would like to begin by expressing my heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated in ​Colourful/Stripy Tights Day on 2 October, raising funds for St Peter’s Hospice in memory of our ​dear colleague, Jo Varney. The day held special meaning as it would have been Jo’s birthday, ​and we are certain she would have loved the vibrant atmosphere and community spirit. Your ​generosity is greatly appreciated, and the funds raised will go towards supporting a cause that ​was close to her heart.

Thank you also to those who attended the Year 10 GCSE Information Evening. We’ve received ​positive feedback from parents, who found the session helpful. For those who were unable to ​join, rest assured that we will be reiterating the key points to students throughout the year to ​ensure they are well-prepared for this important stage in their education.

Finally, I’d like to wish the very best of luck to our Duke of Edinburgh students and staff who are ​heading out this weekend. We are keeping our fingers crossed for good weather and look ​forward to hearing all of the exciting stories upon their return.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards

Vanetta Spence


Messages for Parents


Friday 04 October 2024 to Sunday 06 October 2024 - DofE Silver Qualifying Expedition (Yr 11)

Friday 04 October 2024 to Sunday 06 October 2024 - DofE Gold Training Expedition (Yr 13)

Thursday 10 October 2024 - V6 Open Evening for Prospective Year 12

Wednesday 16 October 2024 - Open Morning for Prospective Year 7 - info/sign up to follow

Wednesday 16 October 2024 - Drama Coursework Performance Evening (Year 11)

Monday 21 October 2024 to Friday 25 October 2024 - Duke of Edinburgh Gold Qualifying Expedition (Year 13)

Friday 25 October 2024 - Term 1 Ends

For further calendar event dates please click here.


We operate a two-weekly teaching cycle, WEEK 1 & WEEK 2.

The current week will appear as a pop-up on the Montpelier High School homepage.

You can also view a calendar of the teaching cycle by clicking here.


You can find the dates for the academic year by clicking here.


Following our merger with E-ACT, our email addresses have changed.

Apologies if you have tried to contact us on our old address and received a ‘bounce back’ message.

You can find an up-to-date list of contacts on our website, and contacts for safeguarding, SEND, attendance and wellbeing at ​the end of this bulletin.

Our email for all general queries is mhs-info@mhs.e-act.org.uk or for sixth form v6-info@v6.e-act.org.uk

Personal Development day Thursday 10 October

Thursday 10th will be the first of our three whole school development days. It’s a packed day with students taking part in team ​building activities, first aid sessions, phone safety advice and careers sessions. There will also be a smoothie bike in school!

V6 are also involved with sessions on careers, fututre choices and work experience.

All students will have an opportunity to meet with their tutor or mentor on the day.

Year 7 will need to be in PE kit for the day – all other students in full school uniform.

Miss Langham


Good news on formula sheets: Since the year 10 GCSE information evening on Wednesday, it's been announced that formula ​sheets will remain for maths, physics and combined science for 3 more years. These were due to end this year but that ​decision has been delayed until 2027.

More information on Schools Week here.


A huge thanks to everyone for their support by donating funds and wearing such a super selection of hosiery for Colourful ​Tights Day!


As part of our Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education programme, please note we will be holding a 'Personal ​Development Day' for all Y12 and Y13 students next Thursday 10 October.

Usual lessons will not run on this day: instead, students in Y12 and Y13 are required to be in school at the following times:

Y13 arrangements:

Y13 should arrive in school by 8.20 am for an 8.35 am briefing with Mrs McClean in the common room followed by movement ​to allocated classrooms to receive a session from Elevate Education, revision specialists with advice on how to effectively ​prepare for examinations.

This will be followed by a programme of one to one meetings scheduled from 10am until 3pm with a member of the sixth form ​mentor team to discuss progress and attainment for targeted students. Students will be informed of the time of their meeting ​shortly. Students making excellent progress and attainment will not be required to attend a meeting and can choose to either ​study on site or leave to work at home.

Y12 arrangements:

Y12 should arrive in school by 8.45 am for a 9 am briefing with Mrs McClean and Ms Hargreaves in the common room. ​Students will then complete a programme of briefings and lessons designed to launch our work experience programme and ​prepare them with the information they need to start planning for their post-18 destinations such as university ​applications/apprenticeships. The day will end at the usual time of 3 pm and students will be required to attend a full day ​programme.

Email, Open Mail, New Email Icon


We are looking to appoint a passionate and dedicated ​Administration Assistant join our school to support the Senior ​Leadership Team in providing general clerical, administrative and ​financial support.

For further information and to apply please visit the E-ACT website.


The 10 Hour Challenge for Year 11 begins on Monday 7 October!

The 10 hour challenge is being used to promote a positive revision ​strategy and to support Year 11 with their learning and motivation. We ​have prizes for students at the end of term 2 and term 5 including £100 ​gift card, prom tickets, leavers hoodies and smaller gift card prizes.


Every week that students complete 10 hours of additional revision they ​will be entered into a prize draw.

Teachers will award students on their Classcharts for each '30 minute' ​revision period completed. If they get 20 of these in a week they will ​have completed the 10 hours.

  • Revision that counts towards the 10 hour challenge:
  • Prep time in tutor (awarded by tutor)
  • Attending a lunch time intervention (awarded by teacher running ​the intervention)
  • After school intervention attended (awarded by teacher running the ​intervention)
  • Tutor time one to ones for revision (awarded by teacher running the ​intervention)
  • Staying after school in study space to revise. (Must register in ​Homework Club and awarded by teacher)
  • Completing GCSE Pod tasks, SENECA or other online learning that ​demonstrates the time shows how much time they used (awarded ​by tutor or teacher)
  • Making revision resources and showing class teacher (awarded by ​teacher)
  • Completing and handing in a past paper to be marked awarded by ​teacher)

The week will run Monday - Friday and any revision from the weekend ​will be credited to the next week.


We had the privilege at E-ACT Montpelier High School this week, to ​host the Director General for Interpretation at the European ​Commission, Genoveva Ruiz Calavera and the European ​Commissions’ Head of Unit for English and Irish, Morag Neath. Their ​insights into the pivotal role of interpreting in the EU's multilingual ​communication were truly inspiring. The conference was in partnership ​with Clifton College and we thank CEO Melvyn Roffe for providing us ​with the opportunity to be involved.

During the session, students from E-Act Montpelier High School, ​Clifton College, Cotham School, QEH Bristol and Chew Valley School ​Bristol had the opportunity to learn first hand about interpreting at the ​European Commission, from working with World Leaders to aiding ​farmers in France and contributing to conflict resolution in the Middle ​East.

Meet The Tutor Evening - Head Of Year Information

Thank you to parents and carers for attending our Meet the Tutor evening at the beginning of Term 1. The slides from the Heads of ​Year presentation for each year group can be found on our website.

Online Safety Updates

For online safety updates please visit our website here.

For general enquiries, please email mhs-info@mhs.e-act.org.uk telephone 0117 942 4328

For attendance, please email mhs-attendance@mhs.e-act.org.uk telephone 0117 942 4328 option 1

For safeguarding, please email mhs-info@mhs.e-act.org.uk or telephone 0117 942 4328

For SEND, please email mhs-senco@mhs.e-act.org.uk or telephone 0117 942 4328

For wellbeing support when school is closed, please email mhs-inf​o@mhs.e-act.org.uk

If you believe you or someone ​else is in danger call the ​Police – 999