5 July 2024

Welcome from the Headteacher

Dear Parents and Community,

I am thrilled to share some fantastic achievements and events from this past week at our ​school.

First and foremost, a huge congratulations to Gabriela, who has excelled in the Language ​Olympiad held at Cambridge University. She has emerged as the National Champion, a ​testament to her dedication and skill. We are incredibly proud of her outstanding ​accomplishment.

Our school also enjoyed a fabulous Summer Concert, organised and performed by our ​talented students under the guidance of Ms. Keen and Ms. Walton. The music was exceptional, ​showcasing the hard work and musical prowess of our students. We are immensely proud of all ​our musicians and the high standard they consistently achieve.

Additionally, Year 10 and Year 12 students have been engaged in Work Experience this week. ​Throughout the week, we have been receiving positive feedback from employers. Our students ​have risen to the challenges of the workplace admirably, representing both themselves and our ​school with distinction.

Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community.

Yours sincerely

Vanetta Spence


Please click here for MHS ​sporting fixtures and results ​table.

Messages for Parents


5 July - Fashion Show (St Paul’s Carnival Fringe Event, doors open at 7 pm, show starts at 7.30 pm) (book tickets here)

5 July - Year 11 Prom

8 July - Sports Day for Y9 and Y10

10 July - Year6/7 Transition Evening at 6 pm

11 July - Y8 Showcase Evening

12 July - End of Term 6 and School Year - 12.20 pm finish for all students due to staff training

For further calendar dates please click here.


You can find the dates for our next school year here.


  • Wednesday 10 July will be a 3 pm finish as there will be no enrichment
  • On Friday 12 July, the school will be closing at 12.20 pm for all students due to staff training
  • Y12 will have their celebration assembly Monday 8 July, P5 and can study at home for the final day unless they wish to come ​into school to use study spaces library/V7/common room


Please follow the link below for important information about statutory changes to attendance that are taking place with effect from ​September 2024. This information will also be shared with parents as a reminder in September.

Attendance Parent Information Webinar - Montpelier High School (montpschool.org)


Please take a moment to read this article and watch the awe inspiring video of Gabriela in her winning performance at Cambridge ​University, what an outstanding achievement!

Supporting and Managing Attendance Webinar - Tuesday 2 July 7 - 7:30 pm

From September 2024, there will be a series of changes to the way schools manage and support with attendance. Please join Miss ​Jones, Assistant Headteacher for a live webinar where she will inform parents and carers of these changes.

Details are:

Date - Tuesday 2 July

Time - 7 - 7.30 pm

Location - online via Teams - Link here

Some DT Game Design projects from Year

Y8 have been looking at and interpreting Giacometti's sculpture


We have been delighted to receive lots of positive reports from the Y12 work experience placements and hope your child has ​enjoyed their placement this week. Next week is our activities week and our last week of term.

On Monday 8 July lessons will continue for Y12 as usual apart from Lesson 5 where all Y12 students should attend (2 – 3 pm) for a ​Y12 celebration/end of year assembly.

For Tuesday 9 July, Wednesday 10 July and Thursday 11 July students will not have usual lessons due to our activities week ​events, which are detailed below:

Tuesday 9 July - Employability Day

All Y12 students should arrive at 8.35 am for a prompt start 8.45 am briefing from Ms Hargreaves in the common room and will ​have a day of activities designed to focus on developing student understanding of key skills needed to make them as employable ​as possible as well as general information to support them to take their next steps in terms of career choices. The day will end at 3 ​pm

Wednesday 10 July - UCAS Day

All Y12 students should arrive at 8.35am for a prompt start 8.45am briefing from Mrs McClean in the common room and will have a ​day of activities designed to focus on the process of applying to university, including the financial implications, how to choose a ​university and how to write an excellent personal statement. Students not wishing to attend university will also have important ​content provided about alternative destinations e.g. apprenticeships/employment. The day will end at 3pm.

Thursday 11 July - London Trip

Year 12 students will visit London to take part in an educational activity. This year they will be visiting one of three museums - the ​Natural History Museum, the Science Museum, or the Victoria and Albert Museum.

Students should arrive at V6 Sixth form no later than 7.45 am ready for departure at 8.00 am and we will leave London at 3.30 pm, ​hoping to return to Bristol by 7.30 pm.

Friday 12 July - the last day of term

Due to all the sixth form leadership team and sixth form mentors attending external training on this day we will not be running usual ​lessons for Y12 students. Students can choose to self-study at home for this day or are welcome to come into school to use the ​study facilities in school and should sign in and out via V6 reception if they wish to do this.

Students will return to school in September on Wednesday 4 September.

Should you have an emergency during the holiday period you can contact mhs-safeguarding@montpschool.org and we ​will support you.

Online Safety Updates

For online safety updates please visit our website here.

For general enquiries, please email mhs-info@montpschool.org telephone 0117 942 4328

For attendance, please email mhs-attendance@montpschool.org telephone 0117 942 4328 option 1

For safeguarding, please email mhs-safeguarding@montpschool.org or telephone 0117 942 4328

For SEND, please email mhs-senco@montpschool.org or telephone 0117 942 4328

For wellbeing support when school is closed, please email mhs-safeguarding@montpschool.org

If you believe you or someone ​else is in danger call the ​Police – 999