6 September 2024

Welcome from the Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope this newsletter finds you well and that you have enjoyed a restful summer. As we prepare ​for the start of a new academic year, I would like to extend a warm welcome back to all our ​students, especially those who are joining Montpelier High School for the first time. We are ​excited to begin this journey with you.

Transition to E-ACT: A New Chapter Begins

I am pleased to announce that as of 1 September 2024, our school has officially transitioned ​from Venturers Trust to become part of the E-ACT family. Over the past year, we have worked ​closely with both trusts to ensure that this transition is as seamless as possible for our students, ​staff, and parents. The collaboration has been fruitful, and we are confident that this change will ​bring about new opportunities for our school community.

As with any significant transition, there have been a few challenges. We have experienced some ​disruptions with our email systems due to the change in our email addresses. Unfortunately, this ​has led to a few instances where emails have not come through as expected. We sincerely ​apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your patience. If you ​have not received a response to your communication or are unsure if your message was ​received, please feel free to contact us again. Your understanding during this period is greatly ​appreciated.

Join Our School Ambassadors Board

As part of our exciting new journey with E-ACT, we are seeking enthusiastic parents to join our ​School Ambassadors Board. This board plays a vital role in shaping the strategic direction of our ​school, particularly in forging strong partnerships that will enhance career opportunities for our ​students.

I am delighted to introduce our new chair, Kathryn Vaughn, who has been instrumental in ​guiding MHS through this transition. Kathryn's leadership and vision have been invaluable in ​setting the foundation for our school’s continued success. As we move forward, the School ​Ambassadors Board will be focusing on building connections with local businesses and ​organizations to provide our students with the best possible start in their careers.

If you are passionate about making a difference in our school community and would like to be ​involved in setting our future direction, we would love to hear from you. Please contact us for ​further details on how you can join this important initiative.

Celebrating Academic Success: GCSE and A-Level Results

I would also like to take this opportunity to celebrate the outstanding achievements of our ​students in this summer's GCSE and A-Level examinations. We are immensely proud to ​continue our 132-year tradition of strong academic outcomes, which is a testament to the hard ​work and dedication of our students, staff, and parents.

Our students have demonstrated resilience and determination in their studies, and their results ​reflect this commitment. Whether they are moving on to further education, apprenticeships, or ​entering the workforce, we are confident that they are well-prepared to excel in their future ​endeavours.

Once again, congratulations to all our students on their success, and thank you to everyone who ​has supported them on their journey. We look forward to seeing all that they will achieve in the ​years to come.

Important Dates and Arrangements

Attendance and Punctuality

It is vital that students arrive on time to ensure they do not miss any learning. The school gates ​will close promptly at 8:35am. Students arriving after this time will be marked as late. Regular ​attendance is critical to your child’s success, so we appreciate your support in ensuring they ​attend school every day.

Uniform and Equipment

If your child is in years 7 – 11, please ensure that your child returns to school in full uniform. This ​includes adhering to our guidelines on appropriate footwear and outerwear. Additionally, ​students should come prepared with the necessary equipment for their classes, including pens, ​pencils, rulers, and their planner. If you require any support for uniform, please contact the main ​school office.

Travel and Safety

We encourage all students to plan their travel routes to school in advance, whether walking, ​cycling, or using public transport, to ensure timely arrival. For those cycling, please ensure that ​your child wears a helmet and secures their bike in the designated area.

Safeguarding and Wellbeing

The safety and wellbeing of our students are of paramount importance. Please remind your child ​of the school's safeguarding procedures and encourage them to speak to a member of staff if ​they have any concerns. We are committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for ​all our students. Students and parents are able to report safeguarding concerns via WHISPER ​on our school website.


To stay updated on school events, important announcements, and your child’s progress, please ​ensure that your contact details are up to date with our admin team. We will continue to use the ​ClassCharts app for regular updates on conduct at school and the weekly newsletter for ​news/events.

Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to a successful and enriching school ​year ahead.

Yours sincerely

Vanetta Spence


Messages for Parents


Tuesday 10 September 2024 - Sky Studios Trip

Thursday 12 September 2024 - Meet the Tutor Evening (​All Years)

Wednesday 18 September 2024 - UCAS Informati​on Evening

Thursday 26 September 2024 - Open Evening for Prospect​ive Year 7

Friday 27 September 2024 - INSET 2 - School Closed t​o Students

Wednesday 02 October 2024 - Year 10 GCSE Informati​on Evening

Thursday 03 October 2024 - Open Morning for Prospective Year 7 - info/sign up​ to follow

Friday 04 October 2024 to Sunday 06 October 2024 - Duke of Edinburgh Silver Qualifying Expedition​ (Year 11)

Friday 04 October 2024 to Sunday 06 October 2024 - Duke of Edinburgh Gold Training Expedition​ (Year 13)

Thursday 10 October 2024 - V6 Open Evening for Prospecti​ve Year 12

Wednesday 16 October 2024 - Open Morning for Prospective Year 7 - info/sign up​ to follow

Wednesday 16 October 2024 - Drama Coursework Performance Evening​ (Year 11)

Monday 21 October 2024 to Friday 25 October 2024 - Duke of Edinburgh Gold Qualifying Expedition​ (Year 13)

Friday 25 October 2024 - T​e​rm 1 Ends

For further calendar event dates please c​l​ick here.


We operate a two-weekly teaching cycle, WEEK 1 ​& WEEK 2.

The current week will appear as a pop-up on the Montpelier High School ​homepage.

You can also view a calendar of the teaching cycle by clic​k​ing here.


You can find the dates for the academic year by clic​king here.


Kooth offers mental health support for young people, giving them a safe space to explore their feelings, access support, ​and build healthy habits, including tools for parents and carers to help you support their child to manage anxious feelings. ​Parents can book their place at the KoothTalks webinar for Parents and Carers. To visit the Kooth site click here.


Our PE team have provided guidance to help students arrive fully equipped for PE lessons.

  • Students with PE period 1+2 will arrive to school in full PE kit and must bring uniform to change into after their PE ​lesson.
  • Students with period P3+4 will arrive to school in full school uniform and will bring their PE kit to change into prior to ​their PE lesson.

Please ensure your child is prepared for all weather conditions as we do not have any indoor facilities so PE lessons will ​take place outside unless unsafe to do so. Full details can be found by clicking the images below.


Extend your Child Benefit claim for your teen today.

It’s time for parents across the UK to extend their Child Benefit claim if their 16-19-year-old is staying in full-time non-​advanced education or approved training.

HMRC sent 1.4 million letters between 24 May and 17 July to parents, explaining how to extend their claim. If you haven’t ​received a letter, there’s no need to worry. You can still extend your Child Benefit via the HMRC app or online where ​eligible.

We know how important Child Benefit can be to families, so let HMRC know by 31 August if your teen intends to stay in ​approved education or training.

Extending your Child Benefit ensures you won't miss out on any payments from 31 August. However, if your child changes ​their mind about further education or training, you can simply let HMRC know online or in the app and we’ll update our ​records and adjust any payments as needed.

For parents who can’t extend their Child Benefit online, you can still do so by post or by phone


Design West have a wonderful opportunity for any student between 15-18 who are interested in future work in the built ​environment.

Do you know any 15 - 18 year olds interested in exploring a career in the built environment?

We're accepting final applications for our award-winning talent accelerator programme, Shape My City. Gain hands-on ​experience in architecture, engineering, landscape, conservation, development & urban design with the UK's best firms. ​The programme is free to participate in, with food & travel bursaries provided by the charity. If you know a talented young ​person, who would benefit from the chance to develop their skills, knowledge & networks, please CLICK HERE.


A reminder to parents that our expectations for pupil behaviour are set out in the MHS & E-ACT Pupil Behaviour Policy. ​We ask that parents familiarise themselves with the policy content and how they can support their children at school to ​uphold our standards of behaviour. In addition, we ask that parents:

  • Inform the school of any changes in circumstance that may affect their child’s behaviour.
  • Discuss any behavioural concerns with us promptly.
  • Positively cooperate with staff if dealing with incidents concerning your child’s misbehaviour.

If you have any questions regarding the Pupil Behaviour policy please contact Michael.Curtis-Lewis@mhs.e-act.org.uk

The Pupil Behaviour Policy can be read by clicking here.


Mobile devices and accessories provide many advantages but can also present a serious safeguarding risk in schools. ​There is an increasing body of evidence that shows the unnecessary distraction, disruption and diversion caused by ​mobile phones in schools. For this reason, mobile devices and accessories are strictly prohibited at Montpelier High ​School. This will create an environment where pupils can focus on learning and socialising, while ensuring that ​cyberbullying is never tolerated.

  • The policy applies to phones, Apple watches, cameras and all other combinations and variations of personal, digital ​communication systems/accessories.
  • Mobile devices and accessories must be switched off, stored in lockers or left at home. (Phones must not be carried in ​bags or pockets)
  • Any telephone communication between students and parent/carers during the school day should be via the school ​reception.
  • If a student is seen to have a mobile device or accessories with them, they will be reminded of the school policy and ​then the items will be confiscated and returned at the end of the school day
  • If a student is seen using a mobile device inappropriately on the school site, they will be reminded that it is a ​safeguarding issue and then the phone will be confiscated and returned at the end of the school day.
  • In the case of students who had a mobile device or accessory confiscated twice or more in a term, a parent or carer ​will need to personally collect the item from school

Our approach to mobile phones and their accessories forms part of the Pupil Behaviour policy.

If you have any questions regarding mobile phones or the

Pupil Behaviour policy itself please contact Michael.Curtis-Lewis@mhs.e-act.org.uk.

The full Pupil Behaviour Policy can be read by clicking here.


Montpelier High School has very high expectations of all students and their standards of dress and appearance are very ​important both when in school and travelling to and from school. Our students represent the school at all times in their ​uniform and we ask that they take pride in wearing it correctly.



For information about our MHS and E-ACT Uniform Statement

on our Belonging, Behaviour and Engagement webpage click here.

Online Safety Updates

For online safety updates please visit our website here.

For general enquiries, please email mhs-info@mhs.e-act.org.uk telephone 0117 942 4328

For attendance, please email mhs-attendance@mhs.e-act.org.uk telephone 0117 942 4328 option 1

For safeguarding, please email mhs-info@mhs.e-act.org.uk or telephone 0117 942 4328

For SEND, please email mhs-senco@mhs.e-act.org.uk or telephone 0117 942 4328

For wellbeing support when school is closed, please email mhs-inf​o@mhs.e-act.org.uk

If you believe you or someone ​else is in danger call the ​Police – 999