9 October 23

Welcome from the Headteacher

Dear parents and guardians,

Tuesday 10th October is World Mental Health Day.

World Mental Health Day is about raising awareness of mental health and driving positive change for everyone’s mental health.

It’s also a chance to talk about mental health, how we need to look after it, and how important it is to get help if you are struggling.

Our students have been discussing how they talk to their own families about their worries and feelings, and how to kick start conversations about mental health. They have been using the excellent resources from ITV’s “Britain Get Talking” campaign. Ant & Dec have ‘set the nation homework’ - a shared task for children and their parents and guardians to work on. We encourage all of our families to complete the homework - you can find more about this by clicking here.

Thank you to everyone that is attending the after school clubs, Big Noise Orchestra and Graceful Voices gospel choir. We will be organising some performances this year so watch this space! If you have any instruments at home that you can donate to the inclusive orchestra, so that anyone can join (especially brass), please let us have them!

This week, we have some colleagues from E-ACT coming in on Wednesday and Thursday and we look forward to showing them our school and the work we have been doing this year.

Have a fantastic week!

Vanetta Spence


Christina is University of Cambridge Competition Finalist

We would like to send our congratulations to Christina in Y13 at V6 for becoming a finalist in The University of Cambridge's HE+ essay competition.

Christina comments “Over the course of the past year, The University of Cambridge has offered a wide range of opportunities to inform students like myself about higher education in a program called 'HE+', including a competition where participants can write and submit a project around a certain theme - this year, 'uncertainty'. As a result of the encouragement of staff (including Ms Croom, our head of Oxbridge support) I had the privilege of coming in the top 25 nationally in this competition, and will be presenting my project on "Can we know how automatic the future of cars will be?" in November at The University of Cambridge at an Academic conference - an event I am excitedly awaiting. As an aspiring Cambridge applicant, this news was incredible and I look forwards to doing our school proud.”

Miss Blything, Head of Year 13 said “This is a fantastic achievement; we are incredibly proud of Christina for going beyond the curriculum and taking the opportunities that we promote at V6. Christina is an active member of Year 13 as she is on the Head Student Team and leads on the Student Parliament in main school. She is applying to read Computer Science at the University so this will demonstrate her abilities.”

We are excited to hear all about her experience at the University of Cambridge, and hope it inspires our Year 12s and future V6 students to aim high.

Aleena represents Great Britain in Powerlifiting

'”Hi, I’m Aleena and I represent GBR for powerlifting. I'm in Year 13 at V6, and applying to study Dentistry next year. My lifting story began with the inspiration from my mum, a powerlifter herself. This sport has helped me understand myself more as I continually grow and make progress. As a Pakistani female I believe it’s important to break down barriers and give it your all. I am representing Great Britain next week at the European Women's Juniors and Sub-Juniors Classic Championships in Hungary.”

Miss Blything, Head of year 13 said “We are all so proud of Aleena. She has kept up strong grades, been an active member of the Head Student Team and supported our EAL students by volunteering with Jacari last year. We wish her the best of luck at the Euros next week and can't wait to hear all about her experience.

Messages for Parents


10 October - World Mental Health Day

11 October – Y11 GCSE Drama Coursework Performance Evening, 7 pm

12 October – Y11 Parents’ Evening

12-14 October – DofE Silver Qualifying Expedition

19 October – V6 Open Evening

20 October – End of Term 1

For further calendar dates please click here.


For further information please click here.


We are delighted to welcome current Y11 students and their parents/carers to our V6 Sixth Form Open Evening Event on Thursday 19 October 2023 5.45 pm - 8.00 pm. There will be a welcome address from the Headteacher and Sixth Form Leadership Team at 6pm (repeated at 6.25pm and 8.00pm) to hear about our vision and values, followed by subject presentations by subject specialists and a chance to take a tour of the sixth form site.

Current sixth form students will be on hand to answer any questions about the student sixth form experience. Booking for the event is not required, but if you would like to receive updates or some more information from us ahead of the open event, please register your interest by following the link on our website here.


Anyone from the age of 5 living in the West of England is now eligible to apply for free bus travel on participating services for the month their birthday falls in. All you have to do is apply at least 7 days before the first day of your birthday month.

The Birthday Bus Pass will then be delivered to you via post, to use during your birthday month. Don’t miss out, apply now!


We are currently recruiting for a number of vacancies.

Please click on the advertisement to take you to our website where you can find full details of the role.

For general enquiries, please email mhs-info@montpschool.org telephone 0117 942 4328

For attendance, please email mhs-attendance@montpschool.org telephone 0117 942 4328 option 1

For safeguarding, please email mhs-safeguarding@montpschool.org or telephone 0117 942 4328

For SEND, please email mhs-senco@montpschool.org or telephone 0117 942 4328

For wellbeing support when school is closed, please email mhs-safeguarding@montpschool.org

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