
Termly Newsletter

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Welcome to the latest edition of our ​newsletter, rounding up the events o​f last term.

There is always something wonderful happening at school. In this issue you will see featured good news and celebration of the many opportunities and achievements of our wonderful students. To keep up to date in between reading our termly newsletter, please be sure to check our school news pages on the website and to follow us on X (formerly Twitter)!

In this issue...

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Silhouettes of athletes of different sports.Horizontal banner for sports schools.Vector illustration.
Neon yellow musical note icon
My Hobby Related
Career Choice Icon
Travel Route Icon
Ballot Box Icon
Fashion Hand Lettering
Fun Fair Illustration
Earth Globe. Earth Globe, planet earth
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Enrichment & Extra Curricular

Fashion Club Enrichment

Flat Stickers and Badges

Enrichments at Montpelier High allow students to practice their ​hobbies and participate in new activities. We were curious to find ​more about fashion, so we decided to interview the Fashion Club ​enrichment run by Mrs Fincham. It is a very popular enrichment ​that all the students really enjoy and were very enthusiastic about.

We received some fabulous feedback from the participants, they caught us ​up on the ongoings of the enrichment. At the moment, the group are exploring ​the history of fashion at Montpelier High, and will be putting on a fashion show ​with models and their designs. We were curious to find out why the students ​had chosen this particular enrichment. There were many different responses ​but a common answer was that they already had an interest in fashion, and ​would like to know more to broaden their perspective.

We asked “What is fashion to you?”. We had some ​wonderful feedback from this inquiry, someone said ​“Fashion is a way of expressing yourself individually, it ​allows people to show off their identity.” You may be ​wondering why the students found the fashion club ​enrichment beneficial to them, we were curious too. We ​heard that the enrichment can improve skills such as ​sewing and other creative tools. It also allows the ​students to improve their social skills by making new ​friends, working together and coming up with new ​ideas. Intrigued, we asked more as we wanted to know if ​a fashion career would appeal to the students, or ​maybe a hobby that they would continue.

Some of the students we interviewed said that one of the ​reasons why this enrichment appealed to them was because ​they definitely wanted to pursue a career in fashion. This led to ​us wondering if the pupils already had any hobbies related to ​the enrichment, and the majority said that they enjoy hobbies ​such as: making clothes, designing, and sewing. Would you do ​this enrichment again? We inquired. The majority agreed with ​this statement. Also, the majority agreed that they look forward ​to enrichment every Wednesday as they enjoy the social ​aspect and to use their imagination. The last question we ​asked our piers was ‘What is your favourite thing about ​fashion? Two of our interviewees gave us a unique answer, ​Elodie and Nancy told us it allows people to express their ​individuality and to show people what they like.

The teacher of this enrichment, Mrs Fincham, had some ​answers to our questions. She told us the school was in need of ​a fashion enrichment and it was ideal that this educational ​enrichment should be run by a teacher who is interested in DT ​or design. We asked her “What is fashion to you?” she ​responded, saying she views fashion as an art from. ​Furthermore, we discovered that she worked as a fashion ​photographer! Like we asked our peers, we also asked Mrs ​Fincham how she benefits from this enrichment. She replied ​saying she is happy to see the students having the opportunity ​to express themselves, which is mirrors how the students ​replied to our inquiries. Just like the students, the adults have ​fashion related hobbies too; including embroidery and fashion ​photography. Mrs Fincham also partakes in a very creative ​endeavour outside school, in which she runs a jewellery ​business. The last question we asked Mrs Fincham is “What is ​your favourite thing about fashion?”. Our interview concluded ​on the fact on how fashion reflects on society.

Flat Stickers and Badges

School Play Enrichment

On 15th May, we went to the School Play 2025 ​enrichment. In this enrichment, students sing, ​dance, choose and prepare for the next school ​play.

The enrichment is run by Mr Shorrock, who ​teaches the acting, Ms Macdonald, who teaches ​the dancing, and Ms Walton, who teaches the ​singing and accompanies them on the piano. This ​enrichment is available to anyone in KS3 or KS4. If ​you're an aspiring actor, or if you want to just try ​something new; this enrichment is perfect for you! ​We had a great time interviewing the students ​there and this is what they said.

Firstly, we asked them why they chose the ​enrichment. We got a range of replies. Most said ​that they do drama outside of school and have a ​passion for it. One student said, “It is outstanding, ​but I wouldn't do it again as it is not what I ​expected”. Also, another student said, “I don't like ​singing in groups with other people, I prefer ​singing solo, but don’t mind trying something ​new”. Others said that they joined the enrichment ​because their friends encouraged them. When we ​visited, they were singing amazing songs in ​harmony – everyone was joining in and trying ​their hardest. There was a fantastic atmosphere.

Although we were seeing the work the scenes, some ​of us were even able to see the finished production of ​High School Musical last year. It was amazing and ​proved that all the hard work the actors put in, really ​pays off. There were spectacular songs, a sensational ​set, astounding actors and a great overall ​performance. Mr Shorrock and Ms MacDonald spent a ​lot of time and effort to perfecting it, and we would ​definitely recommend the enrichment!

Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

On Wednesday 15th, we went and interviewed Mr Haulseman’s EPQ enrichment.

Flat Stickers and Badges

The room was filled with sixth formers working on essays, we headed over to two students and ​asked them about the enrichment they replied with “The enrichment helps to get better university ​application but takes up a lot of time.”

Another student added that they’d ​recommend it as it’s very useful even though ​it's quite stressful.

Overall, it had a really calm and relaxing ​atmosphere, where everyone is working on their ​work and can access help from Mr. Haulsemen who ​works in the room too!

​The sixth Formers there would recommend it to ​anyone who wants great university applications ​and those who can deal with a bit of stress. Lots of ​students seemed happy with it.

Flat Stickers and Badges

Gardening Club

Enrichments at Montpelier High School allows students to ​enjoy and try new hobbies at these different sessions. We ​went to interview the Gardening Club enrichment .Students ​in this enrichment grow herbs and vegetables for half of their ​enrichment time. The rest of the time spent in the ​enrichment is used for cooking and preparing those crops ​and other ingredients for dishes and desserts. It is run by Mrs ​Sacker, and she is very passionate about this enrichment.

So far in this enrichment, participants have grown and planted lettuces, ​herbs and much more. Questions we have asked to the students were ​why they enjoy their enrichment and how it is beneficial to them. They ​told us that the enrichment was beneficial to them because it means ​they could learn how to nurture and care for plants and watch them grow ​into a healthy crop to cook with.

Mrs Sacker told us that she loves teaching the students about growing and cooking with ​plants because she wants to expand their knowledge of crops and gardening. This ​enrichment is run in the summer term as the last enrichment before the break for summer, ​this is because the crops they are growing are seasonal for the summer seasons and not ​autumn or winter.

When we visited the gardening enrichment, there was a brilliant ​atmosphere as students were sharing tips and tricks for their different ​recipes. They were adapting to the main recipe in different ways, some ​changing the flavours, others changing the looks.

After asking a number of different people, they all concluded that it was a very fun and including ​enrichment and that they would like It to be an ongoing enrichment in future terms and activities. ​Participants enjoy and pick this enrichment not only because they love the teacher but that it is a ​way to get some movement after I day of long lessons and so they can escape the stuffy ​classrooms into fresh air.

When we went to visit this enrichment, the learning ​environment was outstanding, students were talking and ​sharing ideas with each other and talking in a friendly manner ​with their friends and Miss Sacker.

Design and Technology GCSE Year 10

Year 10 have ​created some ​marvelous ​work this ​academic ​year and have ​really risen to ​the occasion ​with their ​"Under Water" ​themed ​project.

V6 News

Altoma concludes her tenure as Young City Poet

Altoma, a Year 12 student at V6 Sixth Form, is concluding her tenure as the Young City Poet after engaging in ​various citywide events over the past twelve months to share her captivating poetry.

The role of City Poet, akin to poet laureates, traditionally embodies the city's conscience and contemplates ​pertinent issues. In a similar vein, the Young City Poet serves as a voice for the city's youth, crafting poems ​and presenting them at public gatherings.

Altoma's journey began in 2022 with workshops to refine her poetry skills, leading to her selection as the ​Young City Poet. She uses her poetic expressions to motivate others to write, sharing her unique ​perspective and life encounters through poetry to ensure her voice is heard.

Collaborating with former City Poet ​Caleb Parkin and fellow young poet, ​Nara Pring, Altoma has grown in ​confidence during her time as the ​Young City Poet. Overcoming initial ​nerves that posed a challenge, she ​now aids others in conquering their ​fears of sharing their poetry by ​drawing on her experiences to ​inspire and provide guidance.

Altoma participated in esteemed events this year, such as the Lyra Poetry Festival and the opening of Bristol ​Beacon, initially finding the experience daunting but later enjoying the audience's support and well wishes. ​Altoma expressed gratitude for the kind audiences who acknowledged her nerves, with strangers praising her ​poetry.

At the Lyra Festival City of Words closing event last week Altoma performed two poems to packed ​audiences. Her first poem about the fall of the statue of Edward Colston, and her second about how war ​had tarnished the memory and the present for Sudan. MHS & V6 Sixth Form Headteacher congratulated ​Altoma's emotional performance that brought the crowd to tears.

Her inspiration stems from personal encounters, notably ignited by the tragic murder of George Floyd in ​2020, prompting her to speak out through poetry. Writing about impactful topics and using poetry as a ​medium to manage emotions, Altoma said she would love a career centred around poetry writing. While ​continuing her A Level studies at V6 Sixth Form, Altoma aims to continue her writing and inspiring others to ​explore poetry writing and performance.

V6 Open Event

Farewell to Year 13

Year 13 students celebrated the end of their exams in ​style with a prom in Bristol City Centre. They were ​dressed to the nines and throwing some excellent ​shapes on the dancefloor. We were glad to see you ​having so much fun, and look forward to welcoming ​you back for results day in August.

Have a fantastic Summer!

Refugee Week, Bristol Refugee ​Festival and Aidbox visit

Refugee Week (16-22 June) saw a number of different events in school to raise awareness of ​refugees and how to involve them in our community. It celebrates the contributions, creativity and ​resilience of refugees and people seeking sanctuary.

As well as materials shared with students as part of the tutor time programme, there were many ​opportunities this term to celebrate our refugee community.

  • Schools of Sanctuary ambassador Loujain delivered a refugee week assembly to year 10.
  • Messages of support for refugees were added to orange hearts, an international symbol of ​friendship.
  • Tutor time competitions including designing a Schools of Sanctuary poster and completing a ​refugee week quiz.
  • Sixth Former Esha spoke about her experiences of language learning and support from school to ​allow her to grow in confidence and proficiency in English.
  • Jacari - our mentoring group for refugee children -finished for the term with some games treats.
  • A visit from our neighbours at Aidbox Charity to talk about their work and how they support ​refugees and asylum seekers.

We are committed to continuing to make MHS and V6 a welcoming place for our refugee students ​and their families. A special thanks to all those students that have given up their time to support all ​of the above and more. We are especially grateful to Mrs White for leading on supporting our EAL ​provision at school and making all of the events possible.

Activities Week

This week has seen a number of opportunities for our students to get active, creative and explore new ideas ​and experiences. They have been out and about on a variety of trips and have demonstrated real spirit and ​determination. Activities Week is an integral part of the curriculum and all students participate as the usual ​timetable is suspended during this time.

Thank you to everyone involved in putting on such a comprehensive programme for our students!


Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

We know how beneficial the DofE scheme is to our students and communities- it ​is recognised by employers, universities and colleges as a mark of achievement ​and personal development. It is also a lot of fun, as participants can choose ​activities that suit their interests and passions, make new friends, have fun and ​build confidence.

The end of term saw both Silver and Bronze groups completing their expeditions. Despite the challenges of ​changeable weather all the groups performed extremely well and enjoyed themselves a great deal.

Duke of Edinburgh Silver students enjoying ​their training on Dartmoor

Year 9 have enjoyed their training day for Duke of ​Edinburgh Bronze with pizzas, footie & meeting ​the animals at Petruth Paddocks campsite. ​Groups have set off for hiking in The Mendips to ​complete their qualifying expedition over 2 days.

If you have any questions about the DofE scheme at our school, please ​contact Mrs Donovan, our DofE Coordinator (

Silhouettes of athletes of different sports.Horizontal banner for sports schools.Vector illustration.

Sports News

Students had a fantastic time at Sports Day this year. The students headed off to Clifton College’s Watson ​Field flanked by a crew of teacher supporters and competed in a mix of sporting events. It was was a ​resounding success, filled with thrilling performances and remarkable achievements.

Traditional Events:

Track events: 1500m, 800m, 100m, 200m, relay

Field events: Shot Put, Javelin, Discus, High Jump and Long Jump

Non-traditional Events:

Track events: Sack Race, Egg & Spoon Race and House relay

Field events: Hula Hooping, Welly Wanging

Frank and Curie dominated the 100m race, showcasing their incredible speed and determination. The 200m ​race was another exhilarating event, with Curie and Austen emerging as the winners. The field events on ​Sports Day were a resounding success, offering a mix of traditional and non-traditional activities where ​students encouraged each other and displayed exemplary sportsmanship, celebrating personal bests and ​records.

A huge congratulations to Setayish who made headlines by breaking the long-standing record in the javelin ​throw. This remarkable achievement not only earned Setayish a well-deserved victory but also set a new ​standard for future competitors.

After a day of enjoyment, ice cream and house spirit, the results were as follows….


Attendance Update

Please see below an update from Ms Jones with information about the statutory ​changes to attendance that are taking place with effect from September 2024.

This information will also be shared with parents as a reminder in September.

We encourage all students to make the effort to attend school every day. Our goal is to foster ​an environment where every student strives to maintain an attendance rate of at least 96%, ​celebrating their commitment to learning. Please note, in line with our Attendance Policy we are ​not able to authorise absence for family holidays during term time.

Our attendance strategy is designed to:

  • Encourage, acknowledge, and reward excellent attendance and timeliness
  • Minimise absences as much as possible
  • Make sure that every student receives the full-time education they are entitled to
  • Promptly identify and address absence patterns
  • Assist students in transitioning back to school after an absence, offering support to ​boost confidence and bridge learning gaps
  • Foster strong relationships with families to ensure students have the necessary ​support to attend school, keeping parents and carers informed about their child’s ​attendance and absence records
  • Offer guidance and advice to all stakeholders (parents, carers, students and staff).

Attendance over one academic year, if a student had:

98% attendance = fewer than 4 days absent from school

90% attendance = 4 weeks absent from school

80% attendance = 7½ weeks absent from school

(This is equivalent to missing ​a day’s learning each week ​of the whole school year).

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Consistent school attendance has a positive impact on motivation and achievement. ​Thank you for your continued support and communication with your child's attendance.

Career Choice Icon

Careers News

We firmly believe that high-quality careers education and guidance is ​crucial to young people's futures, and this is a priority at MHS & V6 Sixth Form. ​Our goal is to help our learners prepare for the workplace by providing them ​with a comprehensive understanding of the professional world, including the ​various paths to jobs and careers that they may find both fulfilling and ​rewarding.

Work Experience

Year 10 and Year 12 students have been thinking more about their futures and what path they will ​take after school. All students have been participating in work experience, gaining a brilliant ​insight into the working world. At the start of July for one week our students went out across the ​city to a variety of different organisations. These placements gave students an idea of what going ​to work is like and which skills and qualifications might be expected from them should they wish ​to pursue the career in the future.

Visit to Avon and Somerset Police HQ

Twelve Year 10 students visited the Police Headquarters. The visit included a series of engaging and ​educational activities aimed at giving the students a comprehensive insight into various roles within ​the police force

Highlights of the visit included:

  • Visiting the Communications department. They spoke with a ​supervisor who explained the role, highlighting both the positive ​aspects, such as the satisfaction of helping people, and the ​challenges, including the pressure and busyness of the job.
  • Interaction with Dog Handlers, where the handlers gave a talk ​about their roles and demonstrated how police dogs assist in ​various operations. The demonstration included how dogs help ​locate missing persons, detect drugs, and apprehend criminals, ​which was both informative and engaging for the students.

  • Police Sergeants Serena Serjeant and Maz ​Collacott-Nuur joined students for lunch in the ​grounds of the HQ, sharing their experiences and ​discussing what it's like to be a police officer.
  • Natalie Box from the Corporate Communications ​team spoke to the students about her work. The ​session covered the broader work of the ​Corporate Communications team, with a ​particular focus on social media. The students ​were particularly excited about this part, ​expressing increased interest in following the ​Avon & Somerset Police on platforms like TikTok.

A special thanks to Halgan, who spent the entire day with the students, inspiring them with her ​work within the police force. Overall, the visit was a valuable experience for the students, ​providing them with a deeper understanding of the diverse roles within the police force and the ​important work they do. Thank you also to Andri Nicolaou for hosting us.

Nour Supports Children with Reading

camomile flower with a smiley face
camomile flower with a smiley face

Nour spent her work experience ​week at The Dolphin School reading ​to reception children.

We supported more of our our EAL ​pupils to secure work experience ​placements this year at ​destinations including local primary ​schools and at Jacari Bristol HQ.

Year 7 Green Careers Day

Year 7 Careers Day focused on Green Skills ​with students learning about careers in this ​industry, using Career Pilot and Unifrog to ​research jobs & complete job quizzes.

We were also visited by Carla Denyer MP, ​co-leader of the Green Party, Jake from ​University of Bath and Ross from ​Department for Work and Pensions.

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Music News

This year students have been very busy in the music department with rehearsals and performances.

The year started with preparations for Charter Day where Harmonious Voices performed amongst other ​choirs from the Trust in Bristol Cathedral. Rehearsals then quickly transitioned ready for the Winter Concert ​which bought together a range of year groups and musicians for a fantastic evening in the school Hall. ​Along with soloists and our Big Noise and Harmonious Voices ensembles, the whole of year 7 had the ​opportunity to perform for friends and family up on the school stage.

In the new year, year 11 Music students worked tirelessly to record their performances and compositions as ​part of their GCSE. Ensembles continued to rehearse and prepare for the Summer Concert which ​celebrated more ensembles and soloists. The year came to an end with year 8 putting in a huge amount ​of effort to bring together a music performance in just three days as part of activities week.

Congratulations to our musicians!

We are so proud of the students that have worked hard this year to achieve their music grades:

Matilda Year 11

Grade 3 Saxophone (with merit)

Ruby Year 10

Grade 4 Singing

Eleanor Year 10

Grade 3 Singing (with merit)

Neha Year 10

Grade 2 Piano (with merit)

Sheena Year 8

Grade 4 Piano (with merit)

Kardia Year 8

Grade 2 Piano (with distinction)

Cerys Year 7

Grade 3 Piano (with merit)

Summer Concert

The Summer Concert was a fantastic ​end of year celebration and showcase of ​our talented soloists and ensembles. ​Thank you to all those that participated ​and that came along to show support.

Gracie Akinkunmi is a Rising Rap Sensation

Gracie Akinkunmi is a confident and talented year 10 ​MHS student already making waves in the Bristol ​music scene.

Following a recent performance at Bristol Beacon ​that left the audience in awe of her passion for rap, ​Gracie was awarded The Guild of Guardians bursary ​for young Bristol musicians for outstanding musical ​potential, winning a £400 prize to kickstart her career ​in music.

Gracie’s turning point came when she applied to Bristol Youth Studios—an exclusive studio catering to 13-17-​year-olds interested in music production, DJing, singing, and rapping. Under the guidance of professional ​mentors, Gracie has perfected her skills. Her journey in music has been inspired both by her fellow new ​artists breaking through and by legendary rappers like Big Pun, Big L and ECD. They have helped Gracie to ​find her voice and purpose.

Initially, Gracie’s mum had reservations about rap, but she soon recognised her daughter’s potential. Others ​echoed the sentiment, affirming that Gracie was born to create music. With a family background in music ​and friends who adore her work, Gracie thrives on the support of her community.

Each term, students at Bristol Youth Studios plan performances, and Gracie eagerly embraced the ​opportunity. At the studio, Gracie has collaborated with others, recently so with a band on a track called ​“Beautiful People.” Working with a skilled producer, she weaves her words into great beats. Gracie’s desire to ​work with like-minded artists drives her versatility—she aims to explore various musical styles and themes.

Gracie’s lyrics tackle subjects that often remain unspoken, such as mental health. Through her storytelling, ​she sheds light on the struggles faced by individuals and the support they receive. Her songwriting is both ​powerful and relatable.

Since joining Bristol Youth Studios in January, Gracie has made remarkable progress. Her latest song ​reflects her growth and experiences over the past few months and she hopes her music resonates with ​listeners. Gracie proudly represents Bristol’s vibrant underground music scene. Surrounded by talented ​singers and rappers, she carries the spirit of her city in her lyrics. Her authenticity and dedication make her a ​real inspiration for aspiring artists.

Gracie’s journey reminds us that age is no barrier to creativity and impact. As she continues to evolve, we ​eagerly await her next performance - one that promises to captivate audiences and leave an indelible ​mark on the Bristol music scene.

On receiving such fantastic recognition for her music, Gracie’s mum Alphie said:

“She is such an inspiration to many, her music sends a message…She made Montpellier High shine. I am so ​proud of her.”

We couldn’t agree more. All at MHS & V6 Sixth Form are so proud of Gracie’s achievement and we cannot ​wait to see where her musical journey will lead.

Travel Route Icon

Trips and Visits

Spain Trip

Students enjoyed a brilliant few days of ​Spanish culture and sightseeing. Pictured ​below is their visit to Ronda and to the ​right is their last trip into Malaga.

Maths in STEM Visit to UWE Bristol

Year 9 students had a go at being ​mathematicians in different STEM careers. ​Their experiments included weather ​forecasting and being social scientists by ​visualising inequality.

Fashion Hand Lettering


Colston to Phoenix Fashion Show

Students took a trip back (and forwards!) in time for the Colston to Phoenix Fashion Show, in ​collaboration with Peg Squires, a Fashion Technician from UWE.

As well as an in school event for families, this was also presented as a fundraiser for St Pauls ​Carnival, as part of St Pauls Carnival’s Back A Yard programme. These were evenings of ​fashion, fun, and historical insight.

The event​ ​took us on a captivating journey through time, celebrating the history of the school from its f​ounding in 1891 as 'Colston’s Girls’ School', through the events of the 20th and 21st century, t​o its eventual re-naming. The aim of the night was to represent that only by reaching b​ack and confronting the past and its relationship to the present can we face the future.

T​his was ​a​ dynamic and entertaining exploration of our heritage. Well done to all the students involved a​nd especially to Peg Squires, Ms Fincham, Mr Shorrock and all the staff that made it such a suc​cess.

Fun Fair Illustration

Summer Fair

We were thrilled to welcome so many attendees to this year’s Friends of MHS Summer Fair.

From the popular henna tattoo stall to delicious candyfloss, there was something for ​everyone. Many of our staff and students were excellent sports and allowed themselves to ​be drenched at the Splat the Teacher stall. The raffle and tombola also ensured that lots ​of you went away with many yummy goodies.

There are lots of people we owe thanks to for making the ​day such a huge success:

  • To the Friends of MHS and their chair Tamara - Thank ​you for your unwavering support and contributions. ​Your efforts enable exciting activities and valuable ​resources for the school.
  • To Mrs Waring, Miss Ford and the admin team - Your ​meticulous planning and execution made this event ​a success. Counting funds swiftly and tidying up ​afterward is no small feat!
  • To the Site Team - Thank you for your help to set out ​and put away equipment, always a huge challenge ​with so much else going on at once.
  • To the team of tutors, teaching staff and Senior ​Leadership Team - Thank you for giving up your time ​on a Saturday, and all you did to help our students be ​their best selves- they have come up with the most ​brilliant fundraising ideas!
  • To our parents, carers and wider community -Your ​presence, donations, and spending contributed ​significantly. Thank you so much.

Well done to all the tutor groups for their efforts ​in fundraising, organisation and planning - ​and an especially huge congratulations to ​tutor group 8.3 for taking the most funds at the ​fair.

As well as the money raised to ​support school, our community did ​not forget the plight of others. ​Tasmia in Year 8 sold a selection of ​fruit keychains fundraising for ​charity Medical Aid for Palestinians. ​Mrs Rayment also sold watermelon ​to raise funds, and together they ​collected an impressive £76.30. Well ​done to you!

Earth Globe. Earth Globe, planet earth

Gabriela is Translation Bee Winner!

Congratulations to Gabriela Mancuso in Year 9 ​who has been crowned the winner at the Routes ​into Languages Translation Bee for French at ​the recent finals at University of Cambridge.

The aim of the Translation Bee is for students to ​practise and improve a range of skills vital to ​language learning such as vocabulary, ​pronunciation, memory, verb conjugation, ​tenses and sentence formation.

There was fierce competition from young people across the region, with students from both state and ​independent schools vying for a place at the South West finals at University of Bath. Out of over 4000 ​young people that entered the competition nationally, Montpelier High School students Freya and Gabriela ​made it through to the last 57, with Gabriela reaching the final 19 in the French competition at Cambridge - ​a huge achievement in itself.

Gabriela said:

“My win came after many weeks of daily practise. On the day of the final, I was a little nervous but had ​some confidence that I had done as much as I could to be ready. I got through to the last 19, then the final ​5 – I was so happy! I definitely put my win down to practise and hard work. I really wanted it.

“Visiting the University of Cambridge was a thrilling experience and a lovely city to visit. I will definitely be ​applying to go there when I am older. I am very grateful to Mrs Donovan for offering me this once-in-a-​lifetime opportunity and all the support she has given me.”

The win also comes with recognition of Gabriela’s aptitude for language learning. So impressed were the ​judges, that Gabriela has been offered funding and support to participate in Alliance Française ​certification of French language proficiency. This exam offers a huge boost to higher education ​applications and will assist with Gabriela’s dream of one day working abroad.

Mrs Donovan said:

"We are all incredibly proud of Gabriela's achievement. We encourage all of our students to participate in a ​number of extra curricular activities, careers education and other enriching experiences to foster their ​aspiration and ambition for the future. Being able to visit places like University of Bath and University of ​Cambridge shows our young people that with effort and determination there is no limit to their ​destinations."

MHS goes to the polls

As the country was gearing up to vote for its next government, democracy was in action in the corridors of ​Montpelier High School. Our year 12 Politics class ran a successful mock election for staff and students to ​have their own say on the policies being put forward by the major parties. A week before the event, a ​hustings took place over lunchtime, allowing the candidates for all the parties to have their say in person ​and answer questions and hecklers in the crowd. This was followed by a hard-fought campaign ​conducted through posters and on TikTok, culminating in the election, which took place on 25 June.

Some students were dismayed to find that they could not vote without their student lanyard! We hope this ​will be a good reminder to bring ID when they approach the real polls - something that might now be ​sooner than they realise, if the new government brings in the promised votes at 16.

Turnout was a little lower than the national figure, at 43%. The results were as follows:

Green - 128 votes

Conservative - 91 votes (it is noted that some of the campaigning techniques used on the day would not ​have been within the guidelines, with rumours of a votes-for-sweets scandal brewing)

Labour - 82 votes

Liberal Democrats - 22 votes

There were no candidates fielded for the other parties.

Many congratulations to Aryana, who is returned as the school's Green MP.

Big thanks to the Year 12 Politics group, particularly our returning officers Sophie and Arabella, Mr ​Greenwood, and Miss Keen for supporting with the tech.

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Ballot Box Icon

Parent Bulletins

We keep families informed ​about important events at ​school and upcoming ​notices every week.

To access our current and ​previous bulletins, please ​click here.

Friends of Montpelier High School

The Friends of Montpelier High School plays an important role in supporting and ​strengthening our community of students, parents and teachers.

The Friends does this by:

  • bringing together parents and teachers to discuss how best they can ​support the education for students of Montpelier High School and V6 Bristol
  • organising fundraising activities for the school
  • supporting school events such as musical performances and open ​evenings

The impact of our work provides funding for equipment or enrichment opportunities to our students. It also ​allows us to connect with other families, school and Venturers Trust staff and the wider community.

Please follow us and contact us on Facebook ( with your ​ideas and feedback or to say 'hello'. You can contact us by email -


Wellbeing Support When School Is Closed

Our MHS community provides support throughout the year, not just during term time.

If you or your child are struggling during the holiday period, you can request support by emailing our Safeguarding and Family Support team, and a member of our team will be in touch.

Please click here or on the image to see a list of useful contacts for during the holidays.

Flat Stickers and Badges

Dates for Your Diary

You can find information about upcoming ​school events on the MHS website - click here ​or on the image.

Our term dates can be found by clicking here.


Friday 12 July - End of Term (students leave at 12:20pm)

Thursday 15 August - A Level Results Day

Thursday 22 August - GCSE Results Day

Monday 2 September - INSET 1

Tuesday 3 September - Term starts for Year 7, 11 & 12 students

Wednesday 4 September - Term starts for all students

Thursday 5 September - Year 7 & Year 10 School Photographs

Thursday 12 September - Meet the Tutor Evening

Wednesday 18 September - Year 13 UCAS Information Evening

Thursday 26 September - Open evening for prospective Year 7s 6:30pm

Friday 27 September - INSET 2

Thursday 3 October - Open morning for prospective Year 7s

Fri 4 - Sun 6 October - Duke of Edinburgh Silver Qualifying/Gold Training Expedition

Thursday 10 October - V6 Open Evening 5:45-8pm

Wednesday 16 October - Y11 GCSE Drama Coursework Performance Evening

Mon 21 - Fri 25 October - Duke of Edinburgh Gold Assessed Expedition

Friday 25 October - End of Term


School Catering and Free School Meals

The food children eat at school plays an important role in their wellbeing, and eating a well-balanced diet maintains and improves their health but will also set them on the right track for later life. We are proud to partner with Aspens to provide meals that are prepared every day using quality, fresh and seasonal ingredients that are responsibly sourced. On our website you will find information about our school catering, prices and the menus for the forthcoming terms - click here.

flat design catering logos

We encourage parents/carers to check their eligibility for Free School Meals

(FSM). We also assure parents that all matters regarding the use of this fund are

treated with discretion and in confidence. If you believe you are eligible for Free School Meals we would strongly recommend that you apply as this will bring extra funding to the school, which will in turn benefit your child.

You can apply for FSM using this link:

If you need any support in completing this form please do not hesitate in contacting your child’s Head of Year.

Uniform Code

Montpelier High School (MHS) has very high expectations of all students and their standards of dress and appearance are very important both when in school and travelling to and from school. Our students represent the school at all times in their uniform and we ask that they take pride in wearing it correctly. A copy of the full uniform code for Montpelier High School is available HERE.

Blazer Icon

Ofsted Parent View

Ofsted Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think of our school and to help us improve. Parents are asked how strongly they agree or disagree with a series of statements and questions on areas such as how happy your child is at school and whether they are well supported.

Surveys can be completed at any time by anyone with parental responsibility for a child at our school.

Keep In Touch

Please let us know if you have changed your email address, postal address or telephone number. You can do this by sending an email to

Contacts for other key school staff can be found in the KEY CONTACTS page on the MHS website.

Hand Drawn Retro Telephone

Lost Property

A reminder for parents and carers that all equipment, uniform and PE kit needs to be clearly labelled with your child’s full name so that items can be returned. Lost property is held at our pupil reception. Please report any lost property to

"Lost and Found" booth icon


If your child has any medical conditions or takes any medication please ensure that you notify the school of this by emailing

First Aid Sign